How can I contact Burning Clove?

Please email

What are seconds?

Seconds are products with minor issues like incorrect colors, misprints, minor damage, etc. These items are sold at a deeply discounted rate.

Do you offer pre-orders?

If an item is available through pre-order, it will be stated on the shop listing. We do not offer pre-orders via Etsy as it is against their terms of service.

What sticker paper do you use?

I use both a Matte and weatherproof vinyl. I use premium quality sticker paper for both from Sheet Labels.

My shipment came damaged, what do I do now?

Please visit our shipping and returns policy page for details.

Can I track my order?

Tracking is usually auto sent to you once the label is created. If you do not receive tracking information, please email us at

How long will it take for my order to ship?

We try to package orders daily, however it is guaranteed to be packaged on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Do you ship internationally?

We are currently working on shipping internationally through our website but it is not yet available. For international shipping, please shop through our Etsy store for the time being. We offer worldwide shipping there.

Do you offer your products through wholesale?

We do offer wholesale products please contact us for more information.

I am an illustrator, do you take commission work?

Yes, I require exclusive designs and pay a residual share of the net profit. If you are interested in teaming up, we do feature the designer on the product and will soon offer a featured designer page on our shop website and Etsy page. We want to drive traffic to your site and vice versa.